Everything we could behold in the universe today must have gone through a process, different processes we may say. The scripture said "In the begining, God created heaven and earth" because He had thought of creating a man in His image. Everything God created before man was actually for man. It took God many processes before He finally made a man. God made everything ready before the arrival of man; He had created space for man to manifest. God didn't create thousands of people, God created a man (Adam) and out of Adam trillions of people were brought to life. In other words, gaining mastery in a process makes things easy.
Everything involves a process, but the nature and duration for every process are not the same; each is designed fit-for-purpose. The conception, pregnancy term, and nature of delivery cannot be the same for the elephant, ant, lizard, and other animals. Each is unique, and their uniqueness does not make one better than the other. As humans, we all have different paths and processes we are undergoing, so why should we compare with someone else’s process or finished product that they may have toiled so many years to achieve? We need to trust our own process.
I had a watershed moments in my life when I graduated from secondary school. Life was a bit tough and everything was odd for me but I went through the process of becoming everything I am today. It was this period that I discovered myself; learnt tailoring; learnt to stand in front of people without quaking under my feet; developed my teaching literacies and methods; learnt to be a patient organic writer, and became a smooth speaker. None of these was hand-delivered to me; each was extracted through a tough process that almost broke me down along the way. Today, even though I am still at another stage of the process, I am grateful that I have moved miles away from where I started.
I am a firm believer of miracles, but I am careful to also know and understand that the same God of miracles is the same God of processes. Take a cursory glance at nature—Plants germinate after undergoing a process, much the same way a baby is not conceived today and born tomorrow. Though that is the ultimate end, the baby has to undergo certain developmental stages otherwise this baby would be seen as a strange one. God acknowledges the essence and timing of these natural processes. As powerful as God is; He has never violated the law of process.
The Chinese bamboo takes four years to grow inside the soil, when other plants take only months, but when it springs up in the fifth year, it grows 80 feet in six weeks, faster and taller than any other plant. Process. Preparation. Season. They are inseparable!
Gold, regardless of how precious its final products are, is not exempted from the rigors of processing and refinery, and we know this too well. It's in the journey of process that we form and become.
A surgery that lasts for minutes, hours, etc. is a product of many years of processing. Ordained pastors undergo rigorous training clothed in sacrifices and familial constraints to fulfill the ginormous task of leading people to God. Lawyers don’t just wake up one day to know so many acts, statutes, legislations, etc. to defend or lead prosecution in courts. Their descriptor “Learned Colleague” tells the unending story of the drudgery of their many years of learning encircled with shades of failures and successes. Medical doctors and Academic doctors know that the two syllabic word /doc-tor/ does not tell the full story of the grueling nature of Ph.D studies, but they also know that the product cannot be achieved without going through the processes involved. And the examples are oceanic!
Process requires consistency, patience, sacrifices, faith, hard work, perseverance, service, and a total surrender to the rigors involved. It may not be rewarding for now; it may look like you are shaking the tree for others to pick and enjoy the fruits, but it is the process that prepares one to meet adversity and the varied seasons of time. When the training or processing is tough, a better output is usually attained. Whenever you see a great man, don't envy his greatness rather you should asked about his processes. One major secret of everyone who made it in life is that they have a process they didn't give up on.
Having endured all the processes our finished products may eventually look similar but our processes are totally different, so don’t despise me, but encourage me rather. We will someday prosper from our own struggles and efforts, so let’s together make every drop worthwhile today.
Well done Sir☺️
The write-up is inspiring😍
Great work
God bless you with more wisdom
Kudos to you sir.
The process you went through before dropping this is really evident.
Thanks for sharing this with us, it's indeed a blessing.
God bless you greatly sir.